Collaborative Learning as a Road towards Educational Success
The conference
Key priorities for school education across European countries as part of the Education and Training Strategic Framework (ET 2020) includes reducing the rate of early school leaving (ESL) in the EU to less than 10% and reducing the share of 15-year-olds under-skilled in reading, mathematics and science to less than 15% by the year 2020.
Responding to these core challenges, since January 2016, a cohort of organisations with expertise in school education from Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Belgium, Turkey and Austria have been working together to contribute to reduce the rate of ESL and the share of under-skilled young people. The CARMA project coordinated by CESIE (Italy), funded by the Forward-Looking Cooperation strand of the Erasmus+ Programme, is aimed to develop, test and introduce in school non-formal learning techniques as a collaborative learning strategy to innovate school culture and transform classroom practices.
On the occasion of World Teacher’s Day 2018, the final conference of the CARMA project will bring together teachers, educational staff, policy makers and key stakeholders in school education from various European countries for a two-day interactive programme of active discussions and participatory sessions on a range of topics relating to collaborative learning in school and the results of CARMA.
The conference will provide interactive opportunities to discover the impact of CARMA in innovating the school environment by testing non-formal learning techniques in schools as a collaborative learning strategy. It will present the CARMA policy recommendations for integrating collaborative learning in school curriculum, that have been developed as a result of the impact we have seen among teachers and students that have participated in the project.

We invite you to join us at the Final Educational Conference of the CARMA to:
09:00 – 17:00
Consult the provisional programme for the plenary and parallel sessions
09:00 – 16:00
Inspirational visits to schools to engage with teachers and students and see examples of good practices in transforming school education
(Attendance to the educational visits are optional, limited spaces – advance booking required)
We look forward to seeing YOU at the Conference!